The NoMag team was made up of many talented and dedicated student researchers. These undergraduate students and graduates worked on a diverse range of projects in setting up the NoMag device. The students contributed their creativity and hard work to the lab while the lab provided valuable learning experiences and training for the students. October 2014, from left to right: Steve Tomlinson, Christina Daniel, Jon Cheng, Steffen Tai, Tong Mu, Emily Hawkins, David Ortega, Jon Bridgeman, Tim Pilegard, Ryan Marakas, Anthony Vong, Alex Grannan, Jon Aurnou.
- Jon Bridgeman (B.A. 2014, Environmental Science)
- Jon Bridgeman made outreach movies. His most recent movie, Effects of Rotation on Dye Droplets and Fluid Layers is a big hit. See his movies on the Spinlab youtube page.
- Christina Daniel (Class of 2016, Mechanical Engineering)
- Christina Daniel worked on NoMag design and fabrication along with Anthony Vong and Ryan Marakas.
- Drew Levy (Class of 2017, Geophysics)
- Drew worked with Alex Grannan to build a ring mount for laser light sheets. He then worked with Alex on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) on NoMag.
- Ryan Marakas (Class of 2015, Physics)
- Ryan Marakas worked on NoMag design and fabrication along with Anthony Vong and Christina Daniel.
- Sam May (Class of 2016, Physics)
- Sam May worked on an outreach project involving the heating curves of coffee and different types of milk.
- Tong Mu (Class of 2016, Electrical Engineering)
- Tong Mu built and coded data acquisition devices and coding the NoMag controls. She was also the previous the Webmaster.
- David Ortega (Class of 2015, Physics)
- David Ortega worked on measuring fluid rotation rates at a given radius using Laser Doppler Velocimetry, along with Tim Pilegard.
- Tim Pilegard (B.S. 2014, Atmospheric Oceanic and Environmental Science)
- Tim Pilegard worked on measuring fluid rotation rates at a given radius using Laser Doppler Velocimetry, along with David Ortega.
- Steve Tomlinson (Class of 2014, Geophysics and Planetary Science)
- Steve Tomlinson worked on experiments and filming with Mike Lavell. See his footage on the SpinLab youtube page.
- Anthony Vong (Class of 2016, Mechanical Engineering)
- Anthony Vong is worked on NoMag design and fabrication along with Ryan Marakas and Christina Daniel.
- Austin Chadwick (B.S. 2014, Geophysics)
- Austin Chadwick developed laboratory experimental projects to be used by Prof. Aurnou in his introductory computing class. He also worked on Laser Doppler Velocimetry. His dwarf star flyby movie is online at http://www.youtube.com/user/spinlabucla and at http://spinlab.ess.ucla.edu/?page_id=314. Austin started grad school at Caltech Fall 2014.
- Chirag Jariwala (B.S. 2014, Mechanical Engineering)
- Chirag Jariwala worked on designing the Labview controls for the NoMag along with Steffen Tai.
- Mike Lavell (B.S. 2014, Geophysics & Planetary Science; M.S. 2018, Scientific Computing, UCSC )
- Mike Lavell worked on experiments and filming with Steve Tomlinson. See his footage on the SpinLab youtube page.